"In Memory Of..."

Stories of other beloved pets. If you would like your pet added to the In Memory Page, and would like to help us raise money for this fund, send your donation to us using the pay pal button, or the address provided on the index, and e-mail us your photo and story about your pet.

Bonnie & Cricket

Bonnie was a happy go lucky 7 year old pampered pet. At one time she was a show dog and a mamma, but since her third & last litter in 2004, she was spayed and led a carefree life.

During her spay surgery her trachea was damaged due to tube in her throat for the anesthesia. The collapsing trachea was not all that bad, and only bothered her when she became overly excited.

On Tuesday, September 18th, 2007 she became suddenly and severely ill with HGE. Within 18 hours she was gone. Even with prompt vet care, she just could not win this fight.

The collapsing trachea most probably contributed to her death. I was devastated when I lost her.

That very afternoon, I noticed her tiny 4 year old daughter Cricket was also showing symptoms of this terrible illness. Thankfully we caught hers in the nick of time and after 4 days of antibiotics, stomach meds, and IV therapy, she was on the mend and we were all so relieved to have her back home safe and sound.

Losing my Bonnie has saddened me deeply, and I would like to thank the Dink Memorial Fund and the YTNR for their assistance with my vet bills. They are truly angels on earth.

Sue Hentschel

Margaret It is with profound sadness and crushing grief, we wish to share with you the loss of our beloved Little Margaret. She crossed The Rainbow Bridge this morning. What is so shocking about her death, it was unrelated to her liver disease. Last night while on a stroll with us, she ran upon a toad and before I could grab her, her mouth tasted the defense of the toad. Two calls to the emergency room docs and they assured me all was going to be well. But at the crack of dawn this morning I knew differently. We raced to Braintree to the emergency room, where they stabilized her and suggested she was to be fine. According to all the tests they ran. And ask to keep her for the rest of the day and tonight to be safe. We were on our way home, about 5 miles worth, when the vet called my cell phone and said Margaret's heart had arrested, so we flew back to learned her heart had stopped and i ask them not to resuscitate her, they had tried to keep her going with CPR until I got there, but could not. She was a very valiant little babe and was at the toad , he was trespassing I am sure she thought..She saved my life when she came into mine and though I could not save her this time, it was her time. We feel as though we have lost a part of ourselves and the hole will not be filled. Those of you that know me long, understand what I am saying...

Hug and Love your fur babes, for you just don't know.

Peace and Light, Jessica, Warren and Little Margaret
Cape Cod, Massachusetts

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Dinks Memorial Fund for Compassionate Care is a Fund of Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue, Inc.
We are a 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax deductible. A receipt will be sent.
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